
converting fat32 to ntfs without losing data

 fat32 to ntfs 

file system conversion

if you have hard drive or flash drive which has FAT32 file system and you want to convert it into NTFS , FAT32 dont handle large files . and also its very old system for current users because  now days almost every one use NTFS . FAT32 is un-secure and un-reliable system. but some peoples dont try it because  they dont want to lose their data while conversion. so here i will define that how to convert without losing data. one more thing is that NTFS system is secure and stable so its highly recommended system . have notice common hard drive error "not enough disk space"  despite available space. so this error come due to FAT32 sytem. now let come to the solution . which is very easy . just to put some commands in command prompt.

We assume you are converting D drive from  FAT32 to NTFS

Step 1

open command prompt from windows start menu by putting cmd in windows search bar

 step 2

type chkdsk d:/f in command prompt

step 3

now type convert d:/fs:NTFS in command prompt,  than conversion will start

You can also convert Flash drive(usb,memori cards) using same method

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